International Competition „Moyse 2024“

(second edition)

From 28 June to 2 July 2024, the MOYSE International Flute Competition will be held for the second time in Sofia at the New Bulgarian University.

The competition, dedicated to the representative figures of world flute music, Marcel and Louis Moyse, aims to expand the friendship between Italian and Bulgarian institutions and promote the new generation of performers and their values internationally.

The Italian Embassy in Sofia and the Italian Cultural Institute in Sofia have enthusiastically supported this event with the presence of numerous sponsors such as Confindustria Bulgaria, Kuminiano Frut-Santorelli, and Christian of Roma. Alongside these other supporters, special awards such as the Sofia Music Festival week, Miyazawa Flutes Europe, Maison de la Musique in Sofia, Serena Klemm for the Klemm Award, and the Amici della Musica Association from Udine who provided space for an Italian concert alongside those already planned with the Sofia Orchestra and the Italian Embassy for Chamber Music

See the programme