Inactive-Santorelli Family

"It doesn't matter how difficult it is, what matters is that it's possible."

"Pietro Santorelli"

Michele Santorelli

General Manager, Kuminiano Fruit

Born in 1976 in Nola, Naples, Michele Santorelli currently resides in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
He graduated from high school in 1994. Subsequently, he studied languages in Montreal, Canada.
His professional career began in 1994in the family business, Santorelli Italia, as operational director.
In 2012 he was appointed CEO of Kuminiano Fruit, and of Sirio BG, a Santorelli group company.
He is currently a member of the "Business for Plovdiv" Association, CEO of the "Creators of Hope" charitable fund and a member of the board of directors of the "Neprimirimite" field hockey team for disabled children.
Throughout his career, he has received numerous awards for his commitment and contribution, embodying the values of integrity, social responsibility and excellence: in October 2020 he received a certificate of appreciation from the Holy Metropolis of Plovdiv. Was awarded as a "Farmer of the Year in the Trakia Region" in 2010 and 2022 years. In November 2022 was awarded the order "Holy Apostle Erm" by the Holy Metropolis of Plovdiv. In 2023 received the title "Carrier of goodness of the Year".

Giovanni Santorelli

General Manager, Santorelli Group

Giovanni was born in 1978 in Nola, province of Naples.
He graduated in law at the Telematic University of Pegaso.
His professional career as an entrepreneur in the food sector began in 2000 as the sole director and general manager of the Santorelli Group company in Italy.
He is qualified as RAC for agents and sales representatives according to Law No. 204 of 03.05.1985.
In 2019, he was elected Majority Councillor of the Comiziano Municipality (Naples) with responsibility and advisory mandate in Public Works, a role he continues to fulfill after his second electoral term.
In 2022, he joined as a board member of Ente d'Ambito ATO3, responsible for plant engineering.

Roberto Santorelli

General Manager, SANTORELLI

Roberto Santorelli was born in 1981 in Nola, in the province of Naples.

He graduated in Economics and Commerce from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. From 2015 to 2017, he participated in the Training Program by ELITE of the London Stock Exchange Group. This initiative allowed him to improve the growth and development of Kuminiano Fruit, certificating it as an ELITE company.

His professional career started in 2005 as Responsible for Administration, Finance and Control of Santorelli Italy. He moved to Bulgaria in 2009, when he was nominated Responsible for Administration, Finance, and Control of Kuminiano Fruit, a Santorelli Group company located in Katunitsa (Plovdiv). Since 2012, he has been the CEO of Santorelli Group.

Currently, he has served as the President of Confindustria Bulgaria since May 2021, a Member of the General Council of Confindustria Est Europe in Rome, a Member of the Management Board of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria, and since March 2023, a Member of the Management Board of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. Since February 2024, he is also a Member of The Management Board of the University of Food Technology in Plovdiv.

He has been awarded the Order of the Star of Italy by the President of the Italian Republic and the Order pro Merito Melitensi by the Sovereign Order of Malta.